Monday, July 14, 2008

FMA anime part 2...?

Picture not relayed to the subject. (^_^;)

It's been the talk of the town since July 6th. I learned about it the next day through a link to Gigazine. It started with what looks like a leak of Bones' animator evaluation list by an anonymous upload to a file storage/sharing site on June 21st. The file named "bones_list.xls" is in Excel format and contains contact information of 378 employees, plus nasty comments like "won't answer men's phone call", "difficult", "should be fired", "war criminal", "slow", "company's cancer", etc. The debate of whether this list is a hoax continues. However, stuff like project code name unknown to outsider, and realistic social relations makes this look less like a hoax.

Bones had released a statement, saying they do not manage business using such a format, and no such file exist in the company. The list is nothing but a slander. And they will investigate into the origin.

The hoax theory makes sense because (1) the way the file was named, (2) multiple copies of the same file was uploaded to a few other sites within a short time frame.

Whatever. OK that happened. Not interested in seeing the list itself. I don't have Excel anyway. Even though Bones was the maker of FMA anime series, both TV and the movie. Hard core enough fans would follow their every move. But that's it for me.

However! A blog friend's dairy made me raise an eyebrow. Apparently, one of the list's title is "FMA 2". OK, isn't that old stuff? Season 2, right?

Maybe not. Because the director is different. This, kind of smells real. Rumor says this time it will follow the manga faithfully.

So, is there a FMA part 2 in the making? Only time can tell.

... If this ever comes true... honestly, I'm super worried. Totally agree with Totsu. Has there been any remade anime that was successful? Look at Evangelion. Something so insanely popular in the 90's, doesn't cut it today although a series of movies are being released this year. A manga or anime is popular because it fills the public's need during that time. The theme is usually relatively new. A remake is like trying to resuscitate a dead person.

But deep down in my heart, I want to see it. There's always a first time for everything, and FMA could be the first success. I'd like to give FMA more faith. If the rumor is true, it's a different character designer. I do prefer the more girly looking anime Ed over the manga Ed, though.

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