Thursday, July 20, 2006



Anonymous said...

Not because of your car being broken into, I hope?

I'll give you a reason to be less depressed: there's going to be a heat wave hitting us this weekend and it will last at least a week. Lot of people will have trouble sleeping in that heat. But guess what time of the day it's the coldest? Right about when you normally go to bed. So the town will be soon full of groggy people, but you'll be fine.

MC said...

No... actually it started about 2 weeks before that. There are many more reasons, but the latest one is the alien growing on my back. (Which might explain my recent short temper.) If it doesn't get better by Monday, I'll have to pay my doctor a visit.

When it gets this hot, I can't sleep well either. And my graphics card over-heated last night. Didn't save the file when the computer died. Oh well...