Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Episode 28

Aired 20060915. All is One, One is All. Same as original title. Here's the episode guide and detailed recap at Aaargh! No recap again!

So, the brothers are sent back to York Island by Izumi to "cool their heads"...

The second game comes with a free DVD that contains this and the next episode, which they claim are the first and second episodes of the third season (which is wrong!) It's a very good deal, but it's also a cunning trick to get people hooked. Then you end up buying the whole set of DVDs anyway.

Sorry, I though I've gotten used to it, but Vic's kid voice is killing me!! He cannot, and should not play kid characters. Period.

Sigh... anyway, the kid version of the brothers are somehow a lot cuter than in episode 3. And some shots follow the manga faithfully. Some even exceeding the manga.

There's one translation mistake. Ed isn't afraid that Al gets lost, but separated. The dub make Ed sound like he's trying to save face, while the sub is more like he's scared.

And then near the end, it feels wrong when Ed says "we're still alive". The translation is correct, but comparing to the sub, this strangely feels like Ed is bragging about how he got away with it and he feels invincible. Not sure what went wrong there... Hmm...

So Wrath makes his first appearance. Hey... wait a minute. He transmutes clothes? Isn't he supposed to only fuse with objects (or people)? Oops, spoiler. But I think most people have already watched it by now. Oh well.

Japanese sites spying time: (^_^)
The review of episode 28 at Yoo's blog Fuuyuu.
The review of episode 28 (page 1 & page 2) by Saori Amano at Egaoni Aetara.

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